Saturday, 10 March 2012

Why Worry? Worry Worry

I was asked by someone to ask myself - "How does worrying serve me?", "What would be possible otherwise?" and "What would then be available?"

 Really hard questions when you need to think about real answers. I know that I constantly worry - I need to know where my kids are at all times, who they are with and just generally reassurance that they are safe. The same applies to my mom and to Craig. I am not spying or lack trust, I just need to know that they are safe...

Then I ask myself, why?? I know the answer to the question - it goes back to 27th and 28th March 2006, which was the worst time of my life. The day when my beloved brother passed away and 24 hours later my grandfather. I realized how quickly life can change and since then I have this absolute fear of more people being taken from me in the blink of an eye. I worry about everything and I worry for everyone. I have always being a great one in telling others - Don't worry - 90pct of what you worry about is not going to happen and the other 10percent - there is nothing you can do about it anyway... So why do I worry so much...?

Wikipedia says "Worry is thoughts, images and emotions of a negative nature in which mental attempts are made to avoid anticipated potential threats.[1] As an emotion it is experienced as anxiety or concern about a real or imagined issue, usually personal issues such as health or finances or broader ones such as environmental pollution and social or technological change. Most people experience short-lived periods of worry in their lives without incident; indeed, a moderate amount of worrying may even have positive effects, if it prompts people to take precautions (e.g., fastening their seat belt or buying fire insurance) or avoid riskybehaviours (e.g., angering dangerous animals, or binge drinking).

Excessive worry is the main component of generalized anxiety disorder."

This is scary - more reasons to worry... :-)

OK - so this has been a bit of a mental awareness to me. In future less worrying - Why? - because I need to throw out some positives to the universe. If I worry less then perhaps I will be more positively proactive. The only thing that I am getting from worrying at the moment is more stress than I am capable of handling. So many doom thoughts and feelings - more positives now.... 

In answer to the last question posed to me - What would then be available? - more positive emotion and a feeling of giving others more responsibility and accountability. 

So my dear friends - who might be spending a minute reading this blog - (that i don't advertise) - keep reminding me that I am not looking to be classified as having an "anxiety disorder"... Love ya all madly !!!..